Honorable colleagues, dear friends,
18th ENT CONGRESS OF SERBIA is ahead of us. It is our great pleasure to inform you that 18th ENT Congress of Serbia will take place in Belgrade from 16 to 18th September 2010.
18th ENT CONGRESS OF SERBIA represents scientific event of clear importance for national ENT and overall medical community. This topic-orientated meeting would, in tree Congress days, give us opportunity to hear and take part in attractive, up-to-date
scientific topics and controversies brought to us in wide variety of attractive presentations modalities. Active participations of Serbian ENT specialist through Round table discussions is of crucial importance, enabling ourselves to redefine approaches and set up guidelines to number of controversies in our daily practice, plan our further scientific gatherings and, as a result bring us step closer to inetnational ENT theory end practice.
Last but not the least for tree dynimic Congress days in Belgrade are going to provide us opportunity to work, exchange ideas and knowledge, plan various, though attractive futures and preserve nice memories of moments spent together.